

  • Global data retention strategy - operations
    Determine global financial, legal and commercial retention requirements of operational data.
    Role: Lead business analyst.

  • Support production tranfers
    Provide in implement process enhancements within the transfer of production of food products. Design workflow tool to support the process.
    Role: Business analyst/application designer and project manager

  • Datacenter concolidation
    Consolidating appr 50 custom application to be hosted from one central datacenter.
    Role: Project manager.

  • Integration
    Responsible to determine differences between the ‘as-is’ and the ‘to-be’ processes and determine the impact on the organisation within these processes and supporting systems
    Role: Lead business analyst.
  • Business preparation and change management
    Coordination and validation of the control and preparation of the organisation to the expected changes (organise testing and training sessions, corporate communications).
    Role: Project manager.

  • Data migration
    Determine the domain models and information flows and the containing entities for the data migrations.
    Role: Information and business analyst.

  • Sales KPI’s
    Define and analyse requirements regarding the reporting of required performance indicators.
    Role: Information and business analyst.

  • Analysis and design required changes to systems.
    Role: Business analyst / application designer

  • SWOT analysis systems of competition
    On behave of management for strategic decision making
    Role: Analyst

  • Analyse Service Oriented Architecture
    including SAP
    Role: Enterprise architect

  • Global Price and margin
    Global design and implementation of costing and pricing.
    Role: Business analyst / application designer.

  • Global regulatory compliance
    Analysis and Functional design
    Role: Business analyst compliance and application designer.

  • Setup of testing and functional support framework
    Implementation functional standards in relation to IT standards.(BiSL & ITIL)
    Role: Project manager.

  • Globalisation business critical application and processes
    Role: Application designer

  • Implementation DSDM and UML
    Role: Advisor

  • Consolidation enterprise data model between 2 divisions
    Role: Data architect and information analyst